Building a resilient new mexico
What’s happening right now:
Administrative Services
- Finance
- Grants
Response and Recovery
- Operations
- Communicaitons
- WebEOC
- All Hazard Incident Management Team (AHIMT)
- Communicaitons
- Recovery
- FEMA Coordination
- Disaster Assistance
- Tempest-GEMS
- Disaster Assistance Forms
Homeland Security
- Suspicious Activity Reporting
- Fusion Center
- Terrorism
- Grants
- Photo Gallery
Mitigation Professional Services RFP Posting
What’s happening in my region:
Constant State-Wide awareness for the people of new mexico
The New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) website is designed to be the central source for information on the state’s homeland security and emergency management efforts and initiatives.
Be prepared for all hazards incidents in new mexico
The New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) website is designed to be the central source for information on the state’s homeland security and emergency management efforts and initiatives.